About Us

Carp Ridge
Learning Centre

Carp Ridge Learning Centre is a registered charity in Carp, ON. Since 1998, we have been committed to the vision of a healthy and sustainable local community where individuals and families thrive. Our programs and events focus on connecting to the land, natural health and collaboration. Together, we create a community that thrives. 

Our Services

Ongoing Programming

Community Events

Upcoming Events

2025 Strategic Planning Members Session

Saturday, January 25th, 1pm-4pm & Saturday, February 22nd, 11am-3pm

CRLC is working on a new strategic plan and on January 25th & February 22nd we will be hosting an in-person session led by Sandra Mark. Sandra has championed charitable organizations in her 20+ years in the non-profit sector, and we are so lucky to have her guide us in the process.

While this event is for staff and board members only, we do want to hear from the community! If you have any thoughts and/or ideas on West Carleton programming needs or what our charity can do to better serve community members, please let us know. You can fill out a form directly on our website OR email Staff will collect your feedback and will present findings at the strategic planning session.

We are so excited about what the future holds for the Carp Ridge Learning Centre and look forward to translating our strategic plan to community offerings!